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New Gaia Page 4

  “Or probably a better idea would be to change the message being sent, in case there’s some kind of autopilot built in.”

  “Any idea where it’s coming from?” asks Catalina.

  “Can’t tell from this,” she replies, “whoever’s doing it is masking their tracks pretty well. Looks to me like it’s being sent from underground somewhere though.”

  “Thanks,” says David. “We’ll see ourselves out and let you get on with trying to do something remotely.” You leave Anna staring at her screen and make your way back down to the ground.

  Record the codeword Thaumasia and turn to 81.


  If you have the codeword Syrtis, turn immediately to 44. If not, read on.

  The moment you walk into the base, David seems to change his stance and becomes a lot more commanding. He starts giving instructions and information to a stream of people who begin walking alongside him as he marches through a network of corridors, and you and Catalina find yourselves isolated at the back of the crowd.

  “Ada Uovu is now centre of attention!” he yells, walking into a large room lined with desks, one wall of which is filled floor-to-ceiling with huge screens. “Every eye trained to find her, please.”

  You remain in the background as the entire room bursts into a cacophony of noise, and Catalina turns to you to check if you’re ok. You’re about to respond, when a cry of “Got her!” goes up from the far corner of the room, and David hurries over and you follow.

  The wall suddenly fills with what you assume is a live feed of her location.

  “Major David Abofanwe speaking,” he says, calmly. “Intercept the suspect, please.”

  “Understood,” comes a response through a set of hidden speakers, and you watch the screen as Ada is tracked through a street full of people and within a few minutes is closed in on by a group of police officers.

  “Good work!” says David, then turns to you. “Come on then, he says. “Let’s go and put this all to bed.” You follow him out of the base and into a transport that takes you across the city (turn to 217).


  The café is extremely busy, with multiple food stations positioned around the large hall and barely anywhere to sit down. You aren’t carrying any money so there’s not much you can do here.

  If you like, you can try stealing some food from one of the stations (turn to 136) or you can just leave the room (turn to 322).


  Your heart sinks as you open the door to reveal a room filled with guards, who move forward with menace to attack you. You, Catalina and David instinctively move forward into the room and form a tight group to avoid hurting one another.

  Take care of these three while the others defend themselves. Any time one of the security guards does damage to you, the others will each add on a point of damage (i.e. if you have killed the first and the second does damage, you will take an extra point of damage from the third).

  First security guard

  BODY 7


  Second security guard

  BODY 7


  Third security guard

  BODY 6


  If you win, turn to 229.


  You fling the door open to reveal a corridor, which immediately sends you to the left. You run down it for some distance before it eventually turns to the left again and ends in a door, which you open and hurl yourself through (turn to 246).


  On the way to the Navy headquarters you pass through an area of the city you had previously not seen. Unlike the city centre areas, this north-east corner looks more crowded and run-down. When you ask David about it he explains in a dismissive fashion.

  “Any big city attracts people who want to get a free ride. The promise of a new start on a different planet doesn’t come along very often and so there was an influx of lazy and incompetent people.”

  “Hm,” grunts Catalina. She opens her mouth, presumably to argue, and then has second thoughts and turns her attention out of the window again.

  When you reach the building you are rushed through to meet the Chief Officer of the Martian Navy (the COMN), a tall man with aggressively-cut hair and piercing bright eyes.

  “I’m pleased you’ve come to me!” he says. “I think there’s something about Mars that lends itself to military strength. Even the name – Mars – conjures up delightful images of great success in combat, don’t you agree?” Before you have a chance to respond, he’s continued talking. “I’ve always found that the best form of defence is attack, and Mars has earned itself a few enemies through no fault of our own. So I propose we strike first. We don’t need to do a huge amount of damage, just enough to show our strength. What do you think?”

  Will you agree with him (turn to 349) or disagree (turn to 241)?


  You run after her, feeling the heat from the observatory slowly catching fire behind you. You dive at her feet and knock her to the floor, holding her legs tightly together to stop her from wriggling free. She squirms in your grasp until she can see your face.

  “They’re coming!” she says, a manic grin covering her face. “I’m sending them a message of welcome right now!”

  She looks up to the sky, which currently looks the same as it did when you first arrived on Mars, holding out a small white box in her hand. If you didn’t know the truth of it you would think she was losing her mind, but the weight of what she’s said hits you.

  You grab the box out of her hand and stare at its small screen, containing an indecipherable message made up of what looks like coordinates and orders to be carried out.

  If you have the codeword Elysium, turn immediately to 400. If not, turn to 334.


  You run forwards for several minutes, dodging small carts being pulled out of shops and diving between crowds to make your way forward safely and quickly, and eventually come to a large T-junction. You think that Pauline and Catalina’s base is to the north, but as you round the corner and glance to your left you think that you spot them from behind.

  You call out and think they turn but aren’t able to see fully as you feel yourself being pulled by the arm away from the crowd and into a narrow alley just off the crossroads. Your cries are drowned out by a punch to your face (lose 2 SPIRIT points) and you look at your assailant, a fit-looking androgynous person dressed in a dark grey jumpsuit, who slashes at you with a knife. You dodge out of the way and strike back. This will be a fight to the death!

  Mysterious assailant

  BODY 6


  If you win, turn to 351.


  He looks at you for a moment and then looks up, pondering.

  “That's not a bad idea you know,” he says, “for now at least. I think we’ll start there, and we can adapt as things change. Listen, thanks for your time, seriously. All the best with your endeavours.”

  You thank him for his time and leave the headquarters (turn to 228).


  “That’s an excellent idea!” says David. “We’ll get you up there with a perfectly equipped, streamlined team as soon as possible.” At this point, he touches his hand to his ear and says, “Excuse me,” turning away to take a communication.

  A minute later he turns back to you with an expression of shocked disbelief.

  “It turns out-” he begins, stutters and then coughs before starting again. “It turns out the alien fleet has picked up speed and will be with us in a little under three hours. The time to get you on board and equipped will be tight but possible; let’s get a move on.”

  You are ushered into a private transport and rushed to the port, where you meet a team of six others who will join you on board. A ship has already been made available and final checks are underway. You are marched through every gate by a cohort of border patrol officers and forced onto the ship faster than you could have thought possible. You have one hour to get into orbit and prevent t
he fleet from arriving.

  Immediately as soon as you are seated in the cabin, a voice cuts into your thoughts via the onboard communication system.

  “Team,” says the voice of David, presumably speaking from the control tower, “the fleet has been consistently picking up speed and will be on top of you the moment you reach orbit. God speed.”

  Before you can respond, the voice has cut off and the engines have started. You grip the sides of the seat as you are forced back into it during lift-off, and the team starts shouting instructions at each other to ensure the best use of the short time you will have upon reaching orbit.

  You are unaware of the organic missiles aimed at your ship until it is too late. Five minutes after launch the ship fragments into countless pieces and you lose consciousness long before you hit the ground.


  The plaques each contain the name of a tournament winner; it would appear you’ve stumbled across the location for an emerging Martian fight club scene! In the centre of the spiral of plaques is a letter, apparently signed by Ada herself, thanking people for being a part of the community and laying down two rules: never to tell anyone about the club and never to go through the blue door. The punishment for breaking the rules is presented as death, accompanied by a smiley face.

  You look up and decide what to do next. Will you enter the dome, where you assume the fights take place (turn to 121) or leave through the blue door (turn to 380)?


  If you have the codeword Casius, turn immediately to 33. If not, turn to 187.


  Make a MIND check at difficulty 11. If you succeed, turn to 321. If you fail, turn to 199.


  You are standing outside the apartment building containing Anna Michael’s suite.

  “We really need to get moving, you know,” says David.

  If you have not visited them already, you may go to Ada the scientist (turn to 50), either of the ambassadors (turn to 384) or the Chief Officer of the Martian Navy (turn to 73). If you have already visited all of them, David is asking you to conclude based on your conversations (turn to 188).


  “Ha! No idea about that,” he says playfully, “although I’ll tell you who would know; Ada Uovu, with that secret observatory she has in the mountains. Anything that happens in the space surrounding Mars is in her view, let me tell you.”

  “Thank you, Mr Grakler,” says David, “time is running short.”

  “My pleasure,” he replies. “I only hope I have helped.”

  Will you reply that he has been very helpful and wish him every success (turn to 227) or will you express your frustration that he was not more helpful (turn to 360)?


  The poison on the blade immediately begins to take effect. You feel the life being drained out of you and slump to your knees.

  Catalina and Pauline rush over to you, and suddenly the controlling presence inside you takes over and you violently swat at them with an inhuman strength, sending both of them flying across the room and collapsing in a heap in the corner.

  You drag yourself over to them and can’t tell if they’re alive or dead, but Catalina’s body feels quite lifeless as you pick it up and throw it against the window three times to smash it. Her body draped over the broken glass, you waste no time in launching Pauline out of the window and see the shape of her body land in an unnatural position in the dark garden.

  Overwhelmed with exhaustion and with tears rolling down your cheeks at the sight of what you’ve just done, you feel death taking you over and breathe your last.


  The corridor continues for a short distance and then turns to the right, ending immediately in a closed door. Catalina leaps in front of you and lands a flying kick on the door, bashing it open with ferocity (turn to 153).


  The sleeping form remains still, gently snoring. You spend a few minutes searching the room, but the only item of any interest is the wardrobe itself. The clothes within are nondescript, and none of them are your size.

  You carefully leave the bedroom and return to the landing.

  “Is this a worthy investment of your time?” asks Pauline.

  Go through a door you have not tried already. Will you go through the frosted glass door (turn to 97), the decorative door (turn to 22) or the other plain door in this wall (turn to 125)?


  You call out after her and she turns round, not closing the distance but seemingly willing to listen to what you have to say while you feel the heat of the observatory slowly catching fire behind you. You ask her to at least stop and explain what’s happening and the two of you have a conversation for several minutes before she stops mid-sentence and begins to laugh again.

  “It’s happening!” she screams in jubilation. “You’re too late! Here they come!” She bends her head back and stares up at the sky, and you follow her gaze.

  The first thing you see is countless black shapes that end up looking like an entire city descending on New Gaia, sending beams of something towards the ground and causing explosions all around the city centre. The size of each one of the approaching ships is enormous, and as they touch the edge of the dome you see the drones starting to shift around until the net is entirely broken.

  You desperately try to think what you can do, but your lapse in concentration takes its toll as Ada knocks you unconscious with a powerful blow. You die before you wake up.


  “What brought you in?” he asks, and you share a little of what happened to you. “Fascinating,” he says, unconvincingly. “Listen, my story’s not as exciting as yours or anything but I think it’s worth you giving it a listen.”

  He pats the side of his bed to invite you to sit down and, with a furtive glance towards the doorway, you comply.

  “Right, now like I say this isn’t very exciting but real life rarely is, you see. My day began when I got a message from two ambassadors within five minutes of each other, both asking me to meet them. Of course, I was honoured so I said I’d love to, but they somehow got wind of it and spent the next two weeks having their own little fight about who should get to meet me first!

  “Anyway, they eventually decided I’d meet the United chappy first, and you’ll never guess what. They changed their mind right as I was arriving at the building. Unbelievable. So, I was about to go to the next desk along to meet with whatshisname from the Alliance and what happened? I tripped over and cracked my knee on the steps! Well, good luck me getting compensation from them but the moral of the story is clear my friend: avoid all of the ambassadors at all costs. The name’s Daniel, by the way.”

  He leans back in his bed and closes his eyes. Unsure of how much of his story was true, let alone helpful, you make your way out of his room and back into the corridor. Turn to 210.


  You take great care to not be seen by anyone as you approach the station and manage to swipe two bars of something called SSF. If at any point in the future you feel like you need a burst of energy you may eat one and gain 4 SPIRIT points. You may do this at any time except when you are in a section containing combat or a check. When you are ready, you leave the café (turn to 322).


  You search frantically around the room, certain there must be something here to find, but find nothing. Catalina by this point is leaning against the doorframe, getting anxious about your lack of time to be searching empty rooms, and David looks inclined to agree. Lose 2 SPIRIT points.

  You leave the room, cross over to the door by the poker table and go through it (turn to 160).


  You make your way carefully back across the city and arrive at the hospital. As you enter, you notice some of the staff members looking at you with some surprise, and wonder whether that’s because your face is all over the news or they’re somehow plotting something and weren’t expecting you back so soon.

  Do you go to the reception desk to ask if they’re aware of anything suspicious
(turn to 122) or do you return to the room you were in on the eighteenth floor (turn to 206)?


  David pauses for a moment and then shrugs his shoulders.

  “That could be an excellent idea,” he says. “We’ll prepare a welcoming party and make a visible show of no aggression.” At this point, he touches his hand to his ear and says, “Excuse me,” turning away to take a communication.

  A minute later he turns back to you with an expression of surprise.

  “It turns out-” he begins, stutters and then coughs before starting again. “It turns out the alien fleet has picked up speed and will be with us in a little under three hours. The time to prepare the welcoming party will be tight but possible; let’s get a move on.”

  You all climb into a private transport and head across the city, David on his comms unit the whole time, having the dome expanded to allow for a generous landing area containing as many people as possible.

  Two hours later you are lined up alongside some of the most prestigious people of New Gaia in anticipation of the planet’s interstellar guests. When the shapes of the fleet become visible in the sky the crowd lets out a cheer followed by a chilling hush.

  You stand there, eyes turned upward to focus on the small yet clearly visible dots. You are wondering whether they are actually growing in your vision or if your eyes are playing tricks on you when their colour suddenly changes to a distinct red. You blink and turn to Catalina.

  “Yes,” she says, anticipating your question. “I saw it too.”

  The red dots grow and grow until you can clearly see the fireball hurtling through space directly at your position, large enough to engulf the whole of New Gaia multiple times over. Within a minute you can feel its heat, and your skin has painfully melted from your body before its heart hits the floor. You die with the sound of your own screams reverberating in your ears, drowning out the sound of the frenzied crowd.
